Ok, confession time. I love Martha Stewart's website (www.marthastewart.com, of course) and I check there often. Cupcake design ideas, recipes and impossible DIY projects that only Martha herself can do? Yes please. But today I came across two projects that I want to embark on for my wee college apartment. And they might be only half-way impossible!!
It starts with the framed handkerchiefs:

How cute right?! So I scoured the internet for handkerchiefs in the colors of my apartment (blue, yellow and green) and came across these:

via www.atticshoppe.com

www.atticshoppe.com again
and, from P. Diddy's assistant. No, just kidding, betsyvintage.com again.
Now, the-almighty-one-of-the-arts-and-crafts-world wanted me to use some Swiss clips, foil tape, pearl paint and a bit of my blood and soul. However, while reading the instructions I got lost halfway through, and am deciding here and now to use a little bit of Scotch tape (glue would stain the fabric), mount the handkerchiefs on some poster paper (cut to size of course) and stick it in an inexpensive frame courtesy of Kmart. I call it "crafting for those who have no earthly idea what a Swiss clip is".
Surprisingly, I then found a craft that I could do, and was useful to boot. You see, one of my favorite snack pairings is peanuts and Diet Coke. But, only if the Diet Coke is in a glass bottle:

Mmmmm....soooo nice.
So I decided that her Enamel Bottles were not only up to my skill level, but they would also be pretty in my apartment (as well as an excuse to indulge on my favorite snack):

So according to my dear friend Martha, you can get enamel paint (dishwasher safe, mind you!) at any craft store. So far so good. Then, you wash the bottles out, dry them and swish a bit of the surface primer (that should come with the paint) around until it covers the inside of the bottle. Pour out the excess, then let dry for an hour.

After the conditioner is dry, pour enough enamel in the bottle to coat the inside. Turn the bottle upside-down on a paper towel to dry, wiping the enamel off of the top of the bottle every few hours.

It will take 2 days for the enamel paint to fully dry, then it will be ready for you to put pretty flowers in it that you've picked in this lovely spring weather! Or fake ones that you picked up from Michael's, whatever. Just don't go all Martha on me and make your own fake flowers. Not acceptable.
So now when you're stuck inside due to April showers, just remember that you can make a pretty bottle to put the May flowers in! Or frame those handkerchiefs your grandma keeps giving you, so your apartment will look a tad less dingy.
...and then tell your grandma to start giving you better gifts/introduce her to some Puffs plus. Just sayin.
*Quote of the Day:
"God is in every tomorrow,
Therefore I live for today,
Certain of finding at sunrise,
Guidance and strength for my way;
Power for each moment of weakness,
Hope for each moment of pain,
Comfort for every sorrow,
Sunshine and joy after rain."
- F.B. Meyer
these ideas are fantastic. i'm stealing them. ha.